Sparkling Stars and Diamond Cookies

Sparkling Stars and Diamond Cookies

You can't have a unicorn party without stars and diamonds! These sparkling cookies shine with edible metallic gold paint, so they're perfect for any magical-themed birthday party. Use royal icing to decorate your cookies—just remember that they will need time to dry, so these cookies are best made a day in advance.
  • Skill LevelIntermediate


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  1. For best results, do steps 1 through 4 one day in advance.

    One day in advance, bake cookies. Prepare cookie dough following recipe instructions. Roll dough to 1/8 in. thickness. Using diamond template and “C”, “D” and “E” star cut-outs, cut cookies. Bake and cool.

  2. Prepare royal icing. Prepare royal icing following recipe instructions.
  3. Outline diamond cookies. Using decorating bag with tip 3 and full-strength icing, pipe outline on diamond cookies. Reserve ¼ cup full-strength icing.
  4. Fill in star cookies. Thin half remaining icing to count of 15 according to package instructions. Pour into decorating bag. Cut ¼ in. tip in bag. Flow thinned icing to within 1/8 in. of edge of star cookies; fill in. Let dry overnight.

    Thin other half remaining icing to count of 10 according to package instructions. Pour into decorating bag. Cut ¼ in. tip in bag. Flow thinned icing to fill diamond cookies. Let dry 6 to 8 hours or overnight.

  5. Decorate gem cookies. Prepare decorating bag with tip 3 and reserved ¼ cup full-strength icing. Pipe gem lines on top of dried icing. Let dry, about 1 to 2 hours. Using decorating brush, paint gold metallic paint over gem lines. Let dry, about 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. Decorate star cookies. Using decorating brush, paint gold metallic paint over entire iced cookie. Let dry, about 5 to 10 minutes.


How To
