Cookie Monster's Favorite Cookie

Cookie Monster's Favorite Cookie

Cookie Monster knows a good cookie when he sees one—and this Cookie Monster's Favorite Cookie project is sure to be any cookie lover's favorite! Made using a tasty sugar cookie recipe, these sweet Sesame Street cookies use the pull-out star technique to create fur for Cookie Monster and these tasty cookies are a fun addition to any Sesame Street-themed party. If Cookie Monster is your favorite Sesame Street character, you're going to love these tasty cookies!
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  1. Bake cookies. Prepare cookie dough following recipe instructions. Cut out cookies using Cookie Monster cutter. Bake and cool.
  2. Tint icing. Using icing colors, tint ¼ cup icing black. Tint ¼ cup dark brown, 1 cup light brown and 1 cup blue using color combinations provided. Reserve remaining icing white.

    *Combine Brown, Red-Red and Black icing colors to get dark brown color shown. Combine Brown and Red-Red icing colors to get light brown color shown. Combine Sky Blue, Royal Blue and Black icing colors to get blue color shown.

  3. Decorate cookies. Using spatula, ice bottom ¾ of cookie with light brown icing. Prepare decorating bag with tip 5 and dark brown icing. Pipe dots on light brown icing, using finger dipped in cornstarch to pat down icing.

    For eyes, prepare decorating bag with tip 12 and white icing and another bag with tip 5 and black icing. Using white icing, pipe eyes, using finger dipped in cornstarch to pat down icing. With black icing, pipe pupils, using finger dipped in cornstarch to pat down icing.

    Prepare decorating bag with tip 18 and blue icing. Pipe pull-out stars around eyes and on side of cookie for fur.


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