Spritz Stars & Stripes Cookies

Spritz Stars & Stripes Cookies

Use the Comfort-Grip Cookie Press and bar disc to form fun little flags! It's easy to add the stars and stripes details with our colorful Candy Melts.
  • Skill LevelIntermediate


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  1. In advance: Make cookies. Prepare dough. Press 3 in. long cookies using bar disk. Bake and cool cookies.
  2. Melt white candy and tint blue. Using melted candy in disposable decorating bag, fill in 1 1/4 x 7/8 in. corner rectangle. Tap to settle candy in ridges; add candy if necessary to level surface.
  3. Sprinkle on nonpareils. Using melted red candy, pipe stripes in spritz indentations. Let set.


How To
