Lush Winter Green Cookies

Lush Winter Green Cookies

Bold and vibrant shades make these Lush Winter Green Cookies a lovely addition to your holiday cookie platter. Decorated using royal icing, these lovely tree cookies feature the Icing Dragging technique, which is a super easy way to make your cookies look professional! Top each cookie with a Gold Star Sprinkle for an added touch of holiday cheer. Once dry, these cookies hold up well for easy transporting, so they make great treats for cookie exchanges or holiday parties.
  • Skill LevelIntermediate


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  1. Bake cookies. Prepare cookie dough following recipe instructions. Cut out cookies using tree cutter. If you want straight-edged trees, like shown, slice off points and smooth. Bake and cool.
  2. Tint icing. Prepare Royal Icing following recipe instructions. Divide icing in half. Using teal icing color, tint one half icing light teal. Using green icing color, tint one half icing light green.
  3. Outline cookies. Using parchment paper, make parchment triangle bag. Prepare parchment bag with tip 3 and full strength teal icing. On half of cookies, pipe teal bead border and zig zag on trunk. Reserve remaining teal icing for later step.

    On remaining cookies, repeat process with full strength green icing, reserving remaining green icing for later step.

  4. Fill in cookies. Using parchment paper, make two parchment triangle bags. Thin down remaining teal and green icing to count of 10 following package instructions. Place in separate parchment bags; cut small tip in bags. Flow in teal icing on cookies with teal border and green icing on cookies with green border.

    Using green icing, pipe staggering dots on teal cookies; immediately drag toothpick through dots to create pattern. Repeat with teal icing on green cookies.

    Add gold star sprinkle to top of each cookie.

    Let cookies dry 8 to 10 hours.


How To


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