Easy Blooms Winter Wreath Meringue Cookies
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- Make meringue batter. Prepare meringue batter according to package instructions. Divide equally into seven portions.
- Tint batter. Combine Burgundy and Black icing colors to get purple color shown. Combine Burgundy and Red-Red icing colors to get red color shown. Combine Burgundy, Brown and Black icing colors to get medium brown color shown. Combine Juniper Green and Delphinium Blue to get medium green color shown. Combine Delphinium Bleu and Juniper Green icing colors to get blue-green color shown. Using color combinations provided, tint one portion each purple, red, medium brown, medium green and blue-green. Using Brown icing color, tint one portion light brown. Using Juniper Green icing color, tint remaining portion dark green.
Pipe wreaths. On backside of parchment paper cut to fit cookie sheet, draw 3½ in. circles, spacing 3 in. apart. Turn over; secure corners of paper to cookie sheet with small dots meringue batter.
For wreaths, prepare decorating bag with tip 234. Using decorating brush, paint inside of decorating bag with small amount Brown icing color; fill with light brown batter. Pipe circles following outline on parchment paper-covered cookie sheet.
Pipe flowers. For flowers, prepare bags as follows:
- Prepare decorating bag with small rose Easy Blooms tip. Fill with purple batter.
- Prepare decorating bag with small mum Easy Blooms tip. Fill with medium brown batter.
- Prepare decorating bag with tip 3 and dark green batter.
- Prepare decorating bag with tip 6 and red batter.
- Prepare decorating bag with tip 124 and medium green batter.
- Prepare decorating bag with tip 366 and blue-green batter.
Using purple batter, pipe flowers on wreaths.
Using medium brown batter, pipe pine cones on wreaths.
Using blue-green and medium green batters, pipe leaves and petals around flowers and pine cones. Using dark green batter, pipe pull-out dots to make pine needles on wreaths. With extra batter, pipe pine needle clusters on parchment paper.
Using red batter, pipe clusters of red dots on wreaths.
Use any extra batter to pipe additional flowers, pine cones, leaves and berry clusters on parchment paper.
Bake and cool following recipe instructions. Dust with confectioners’ sugar before serving, if desired.