Lasting Impressions Cake

Lasting Impressions Cake

Tailored Tiers Cake Set is the inspiration for this Lasting Impressions cake. The vine pattern pressed onto the cake sides mimics the ribbon-wrapped separators. This simply elegant design is perfect for anniversaries, weddings and more!
  • AmountCake serves 103.


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  1. *Combine Lemon Yellow with Golden Yellow for yellow shade shown.

    Ice 2-layer cakes smooth and prepare for Tailored Tiers Construction following directions from set.

  2. Lightly dust vine pattern press with cornstarch; randomly imprint design on all cake sides. Pipe tip 2 balls on imprinted vines.
  3. Pipe tip 16 shell top border on all tiers and shell bottom border on 14 in. tier.

    At reception: Position plates and fabric-wrapped separators. Pipe tip 16 shell bottom border on 6 and 10 in. tiers.

    Note: The smallest tier is often saved for the first anniversary. The number of wedding servings given does not include the top tier.


How To
