
Pizza Puffs

Pizza Puffs
Learn how to make these delicious pepperoni pizza puffs for a quick and easy addition to your game day party table. Using the MVP Mega Mini Muffin Pan, you'll be able to make enough for all your football fans in a snap. Great for tailgating at football games, fantasy football draft parties or after school snacks. Get all the info you need to make this tasty mini pizza snack recipe. They'll be cheering you on along with their favorite team.
  • Amount4 Dozen


  • 2 packages (17.3 ounces each) frozen puff pastry, thawed

  • 1 cup pizza sauce

  • 1 package (8 ounces) Italian blend shredded cheese

  • 1/4 cup mini pepperoni pepperoni

  • 1/4 cup (about 1/2 small pepper) finely chopped green bell pepper

  • ranch dressing

  • Pesto sauce

  • Tools

  • Perfect Results Non-Stick Mega Mini Muffin and Cupcake Pan, 48-cup


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  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Prepare mini muffin pan with vegetable pan spray.
  2. Cut 48 2-1/4 inch circles out of puff pastry. Fit dough circles into mini muffin pan, pressing into bottom and up sides.
  3. Spoon 1 teaspoon pizza sauce into each cavity. Sprinkle evenly with shredded cheese. Top 16 pizzas with mini pepperoni and 16 pizzas with chopped green bell pepper.
  4. Bake 20-22 minutes or until golden brown, rotating pan halfway through baking. Let cool in pan 5 minutes. Serve warm with desired dipping sauces.

    Tip: Toppings can be customized to your tastes. Use 3/4 cup to cover all pizzas in pan, or use 1/4 cup topping per 16 pizzas.


How To
