One in a Melon Cookies
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Bake cookies. Prepare cookie dough following recipe instructions. Roll out dough to ¼ in. thickness. Using largest smooth-sided round cutter, cut out cookies.
Using ruler, measure 1¼ in. from edge of circle to center. Cut cookie to form two semi-circles. Repeat on other side of larger semi-circle. Remove dough from middle (reuse this dough to make more cookies, if desired). Bake and cool.
Prepare icing. Prepare royal icing according to package directions. Using Black icing color, tint ¼ cup icing black. Using Red-Red icing color, tint 1 cup icing pink. Combine Kelly Green and Leaf Green icing colors to get green color shown. Using color combination provided, tint ½ cup icing green.
Thin red and green icing, separately, to 20 count according to package directions. Thin black icing to 25 count. Reserve black icing in air-tight container for later step.
Decorate cookies. Prepare decorating bag with coupler and green icing. Using tip 5, pipe melon rind on each cookie. Let dry, about 15 minutes.
Prepare second decorating bag with coupler and pink icing. Using tip 5, pipe melon on each cookie. Let dry, about 8 to 10 hours.
Prepare third decorating bag with tip 2 and black icing. Pipe small hearts on each melon. Let dry, about 4 to 5 hours.
How To
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