How to Make Buttercream Shingles on a Gingerbread House

How to Make Buttercream Shingles on a Gingerbread House

Icing shingles are easy to add to your gingerbread house using the pulled dot technique.
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. Start on the bottom edge of the roof panel. For evenly sized pulled dots, use a Food Writer or dots of icing to guide the placement and size of the dots.
  2. Using a tip 12 (or any medium sized round tip), hold the bag with the tip just slightly above the surface of the roof panel.
  3. Squeeze the bag to form a dot. As the icing begins to build up, raise the tip with it while keeping the tip point slightly buried in the icing. To end, stop pressure and pull tip away.
  4. Pipe a row of evenly sized dots to cover the bottom edge.
  5. Place the edge of an Angled Spatula on the center of dot and pull upwards towards the peak of the roof. Repeat on other dots until the row is completed.
  6. Pipe a new row of dots, covering the tail end of the previous row. Repeat pulling dots with spatula. Repeat this step until the roof is covered.


How To
