How to Make a Gingerbread House Chimney

How to Make a Gingerbread House Chimney

Nothing is more inviting than the warmth of a holiday fire with friends and family gathered around. Whether you prefer the look of bricks or stone, fireplace and chimney masonry for your gingerbread house is super simple with icing, nuts, and candies.
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. Brick effect: Using a small, angled spatula, ice the chimney smooth with thin consistency red royal icing.
  2. Using thin consistency white royal icing and a decorating bag fitted with tip 2, pipe evenly spaced horizontal lines.
  3. Pipe evenly spaced vertical lines across each row to create bricks, staggering the lines in the row.
  4. Stone effect: Using a small, angled spatula, spread medium consistency royal icing over one side of the chimney.
  5. Position slivered almonds, natural colored jellybeans or candy rocks to cover the iced chimney surface. If using jellybeans, cut each one lengthwise with a paring knife and place the flat (cut) side against the icing.
  6. 2Repeat with remaining chimney sides, icing only one section at a time to avoid the icing drying out before the nuts or candies are positioned.


How To
