
Hairy Hedgehog Cake

Hairy Hedgehog Cake
  • AmountCake serves 12.


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    Prepare cake board.

    Use pan and snout pattern as a guide to make foil-wrapped board, cut to fit.

  2. Bake and cool lady bug cake.Cake is one layer, 2 in. high. Use knife to trim off antennae, eyelashes, eyes and cheeks from cake. Position cake on board.
  3. Make cereal treat snout.Prepare cereal treat mixture according to recipe directions. Let rest until cool enough to handle. Use hands to shape cereal treats in snout area on board. Snout height should begin level with cake and taper to 1 in. high at nose. Let cool completely.
  4. Decorate cake. Prepare buttercream and chocolate buttercream icing following recipe directions. Tint portions of chocolate icing brown/red-red combination (for light brown) and black.

    Use spatula and white icing to ice cake sides below feet smooth. For outside ear, insert vanilla wafer cookie about halfway into cake. Use tip 12 and light brown icing to pipe a mound to support cookie.

    Use tip 12 and black icing to pipe dot eyes and nose. Pat smooth with finger dipped in cornstarch. Use tip 3 and light brown icing to outline feet. Use tip 16 and light brown icing to fill in feet and cover head and ears with stars. Overpipe outside edge of ears with another layer of stars for dimension.

    Use tip 234 and dark brown icing to cover body with pull-out fur. Begin at back side with fur angled away from head. Work in rows moving up and around toward head.


How To
