Golden Shimmer Rosette Cake

Golden Shimmer Rosette Cake

Choose a wedding cake that unites the rippling textures of ribbons and rosettes with a sparkling center tier. Create the golden shimmer with Color Mist Food Color Spray and the soft green shade using the Color Right Performance Color System.
  • Amount62 Servings


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  1. Decorate cakes. For 10 in. cake, use tip 1M, a decorating bag and white icing to cover cake with rosettes.

    For 6 in. cake, use tip 127, a decorating bag and green icing to pipe bands on cake sides, starting at top edge and overlapping rows as you work toward the bottom. Use tip 5 and green icing to pipe ball bottom border.

  2. Make layered cakes. Bake and cool two 6 in. cake layers, two 8 in. cake layers and two 10 in. cake layers.

    Prepare icing following recipe directions. Tint 2 cups icing green. Reserve remaining white.

    Level, fill and stack cakes on same-size cake circles for 2-layer cakes, 4 in. high. Use spatula to ice cakes smooth, 6 in. in green, 8 in. and 10 in. cakes in white. Spray 8 in. cake with gold Color Mist food color spray. Let dry, about 30 minutes.

    Prepare cakes for stacked construction with center core rods and support rods and caps; stack on cake plate.


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