Farmyard Cake

Farmyard Cake

Celebrate farm-animal friends with this country-style cake, perfect for any special birthday. Topped with a lamb, pig, cow and chicks—made with our Shape-N-Amaze edible decorating dough—this cake is covered in a fenced-in green fondant pasture.
  • Amount28 Servings


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  1. Make Shape-N-Amaze 3-D characters three days in advance. Use online directions to create animal cake toppers.

    Click here for directions to make the cow.

    Click here for directions to make the pig.

    Click here for directions to make the lamb.

    Click here for directions to make the chicks.

  2. Prepare cake base. Tint 20 oz. of white fondant kelly green. Use fondant roller with orange guide rings to roll out green fondant 1/8 in. thick. Cover cake base with fondant. Reserve excess.
  3. Make cake. Prepare batter following recipe directions. Bake and cool 2-layer cake according to pan package directions.
  4. Cover cake with fondant. Prepare buttercream icing following recipe directions. Use spatula and icing to lightly ice cake. Tint 36 oz. fondant light kelly green. Use fondant roller with orange guide rings to roll out 1/8 in. thick. Cover cake with fondant. Place cake on fondant-covered cake base.
  5. Decorate cake. Use fondant roller with blue guide rings to roll out 2 oz. white fondant 1/16 in. thick. Use knife to cut nine rectangles, each 2 in. x 1/4 in., and 18 rectangles, each 4 in. x 3/8 in.

    Use toothpick to mark 3 in. spaces on sides of cake. Use brush and piping gel to attach smaller rectangles at markings as fence posts. Attach larger rectangles diagonally between posts as fence boards.

    Tint a 1/4 in. ball of fondant brown. Use fondant roller with blue guide rings to roll out 1/16 in. thick. Use narrow end of tip 6 to cut out 18 circles. Use piping gel to attach to top end of posts.

    Use fondant roller with blue guide rings to roll out reserved kelly green fondant 1/16 in. thick. Use knife to cut two bands, each 32 in. x 1 in. Cut out triangles to make small grass blades on one strip and larger blades on the other strip. Use piping gel and brush to attach around base of cake.

    Place toppers on cake top and on board.


How To
