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Cute Crabby Cake

This little guy gives a whole new meaning to the term, crab cake! Ready for summer fun, this Cute Crabby Cake is great for a beachside birthday party or seafood broil. Use fondant to make this crab's claws and legs, just make sure you give yourself enough time as those fondant pieces need to dry for at least a couple days. An easy project for beginning decorators and those new to working with fondant, this Cute Crabby Cake is the perfect ending to any summer celebration!


  • Decorator Preferred White Fondant, 4.4 oz.

  • Fondant Gum-Tex Powder, 6 oz.

  • FoodWriter Edible Black Color Marker Set, 2-Piece

  • Black Icing Color, 1 oz.

  • Orange Icing Color, 1 oz.

  • Red-Red Icing Color, 1 oz.

  • White Decorator Icing - 4.5 lb.

  • Cornstarch

  • Thinned Fondant Adhesive

  • Favorite Cake Mix or Recipe

  • Tools

  • 4-Inch White Treat Sticks, 50-Count

  • Large Round Tip 2A

  • Fondant Roller, 9-Inch

  • Icing Spatula, 13-Inch, Angled Cake Spatula

  • Aluminum Round Cake Pan, 6 x 3-Inch

  • 8-Inch Cake Circles, 12-Count

  • Fondant & Gum Paste Modeling Stick Set

  • 10 x 16 Non-Stick Cooling Rack

  • Double-Sided Round Cut-Outs Set, 6-Piece

  • 12-Inch Round Cake Circles, 8-Count

  • Silver Fanci-Foil Wrap

  • Decorator Brush Set

  • Craft knife

  • Ruler

  • Tape


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  1. Two days in advance, make claws.

    Using color combinations provided, tint 5 oz. fondant red. Add ¼ teaspoon Gum-Tex powder to 2 oz. red fondant. Reserve remaining fondant for later step.

    Using fondant roller with purple guide rings, roll out fondant with Gum-Tex. Using claw pattern, cut out one claw; flip pattern over. Cut another claw. Smooth edges with finger. Using fondant stick, imprint lines on claw. Transfer to cornstarch-dusted board. Let dry 8 to 10 hours or overnight.

  2. Also two days in advance, make eyes.

    Using fondant roller with purple guide rings, roll out 1.5 oz. white fondant. Using “C” cut-out, cut two white fondant circles. Move cut-out over ¼ in.; cut again, creating oval shape. Using fingers, finish shaping eyes.

    Using black icing color, tint .5 oz. white fondant black. Using 9 in. roller with pink guide rings, roll out fondant. Using “E” cut-out, cut two black fondant circles. Move cutter over ¼ in.; cut again, creating oval shape. Using fingers, finish shaping eyes. Reserve remaining black fondant for later step.

    Using damp brush, attach black pupils to center of white ovals. Transfer to cornstarch-dusted board. Let dry 8 to 10 hours or overnight.

  3. One day in advance, assemble claws.

    Prepare fondant adhesive following recipe instructions. Flip claws over, front side down. Using decorating brush, paint fondant adhesive down center of short bend of claw. Position lollipop stick on adhesive, leaving about 2 in. exposed.

    Using reserved red fondant, roll out two strips, measuring about ½ in. x 1½ in. each. Apply fondant adhesive to back of each strip. Position adhesive side down over lollipop stick; press to adhere to fondant. Repeat on other claw. Let dry 8 to 10 hours or overnight.

  4. Also one day in advance, make legs.

    Using remaining red fondant, roll .5 oz. red fondant into 4 in. tapered log. Repeat for total of six legs. Curve three legs to the right and three to the left.

    Flatten 1 in. of larger end of each tapered log (this will fit under cake). Using large end of tip 2A, insert 1 in. of tip of leg into tip and twist tip to form ridge. Repeat for all legs. Transfer to cornstarch-dusted board. Let dry 8 to 10 hours or overnight.

  5. Bake cake.

    Prepare cake batter following recipe instructions. Bake and cool cake.

  6. Prepare icing.

    Combine Red-Red, Orange and a touch of Black icing colors to get red color shown. Tint buttercream icing red using color combinations provided. Place cake on 6 in. cake board. Using spatula, ice cake smooth.

  7. Decorate cake.

    Place iced cake on foil-covered 12 in. cake board. Insert claws into sides of cake, allowing ½ in. of arm to go inside cake.

    Using black FoodWriter marker, color tips of legs. Position feet under cake.

    Using icing, attach eyes to front of cake.

    Roll remaining black fondant into 1/8 in. thick log, about 6 in. long. Position in wave motion for mouth.


How To
