Brush Embroidery

Brush Embroidery

Add textured flowers with the soft look of lace using this easy icing technique. Works best using a square tip brush.
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. Fill decorating bag 1/4 full or less with icing or melted candy.
  2. Imprint pattern onto the cake surface (buttercream iced or soft fondant), candy or candy mold. Pipe over a small section of the imprinted design pattern (no more than 2 in.) using decorating tip 3.
  3. Before icing can dry or candy sets, brush quick, short strokes of icing or candy toward the center of the design. Clean brush frequently to create distinct lines of icing. Repeat around design.
  4. Hints:

    Works best using a square tip brush.

    If decorating a whole cake, make sure you imprint your design while fondant is fresh, before starting to apply the brush embroidery.

    Water can be substitute for piping gel to thin the icing consistency.

    For dimension on your design, detail, brush embroider a smaller design inside the first. The outline for the inside pattern can be done with a smaller cutter or do it freehand, following the outer outline.

    Always apply Brush Embroidery from the outside of the project towards the inside.

    If painting brush embroidery in a candy mold for an inlay look, chill the brush embroidery until set, 3-5 minutes, then fill the mold with melted candy.


How To
