Your Cue to Celebrate! Cake

Your Cue to Celebrate! Cake

Your Cue to Celebrate! Cake
  • AmountCake serves 18.


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  1. 2 days in advance: Make cue stick and balls.

    Add 1 teaspoon Gum-Tex to white fondant. Tint 1 oz. ivory; knead in 1/2 teaspoon of shortening to soften. Use decorative press with circle insert to press a 10 in. rope. Taper one end to 1/8 in. diameter; let dry on cornstarch-dusted board. Roll 14 white balls, 7/8 in. diameter. Let dry. Set one ball aside as cue ball. On remaining balls, trace a circle around narrow end of tip 2A, using edible markers in desired colors. Color in areas outside circle, making striped and solid balls. Draw numbers with black edible marker; color in details on cue stick.

  2. Bake and cool 1-layer cake; ice smooth. Use edge cutter to cut two rectangles, 6 1/2 in. x 9 in. from bright green edible paper. Position on cake top, aligning seams at center.
  3. For cushions, roll out chocolate fondant 1/4 in. thick; cut two strips, 3 in. x 22 in. Attach to cake sides with piping gel, folding 1 in. over cake top. Use wide end of tip 2A to cut pockets; use same tip to cut six circles from black edible paper. Attach to pockets with piping gel.
  4. Use edge cutter to cut 12 bright green strips, 1/4 in. x 7 in. Attach to side and top of cushions with piping gel, trimming as needed. Roll out white fondant 1/16 in. thick.
  5. Use narrow end of tip 9 to cut cue ball mark on cake top. Attach with piping gel. Draw dot with black edible marker. Position balls and cue stick.


How To
