Make center bud. Tint 3 oz. (2¼ in. ball) gum paste violet. Use aluminum foil to make one additional flower shaping bowl. For center bud, roll a ¾ in. ball of fondant into a log, 1½ in. long x ½ in. dia., with tapered ends. Make a 1/8 in. hook at the end of the 20-gauge wire. Brush 1 in. of hooked end with gum glue adhesive; insert into the bottom of center bud, ¾ of bud length. Pinch bottom of bud to shape around wire. Let dry in craft foam block 24 hours.
Make wired leaves. Roll gum paste into a log, 1½ in. long x ¾ in. dia. Use fondant roller with pink guide rings to roll out 1/16 in. thick over groove on impression mat, forming a ridge. Place gum paste, ridge side up, on surface. Use “H” size cut-out to cut one leaf with ridge centered. Brush side of ridge with gum glue adhesive; position 26-gauge wire and press ridge to seal. Dust flower forming bowls with cornstarch. Place leaf, wire-side down, against side of bowl, with wire ends in center, bending upwards. Repeat to make 16 additional leaves. Up to eight leaves can be positioned in each shaping bowl. Let dry 24 hours.
Make unwired leaves for bud. Spread a thin coating of shortening on clean, smooth surface. Roll out violet gum paste 1/16 in. thick. Use “H” cut-out to cut three leaves. Brush the back side of leaves with gum glue adhesive and attach to the center bud. Let dry in foam block overnight.
Assemble plant. Using florist tape, starting with the center bud, tape four wired leaves evenly around bud. For second row, tape six leaves. For last row, tape seven leaves. Adjust leaves as needed.
Highlight with color. Dust leaves with purple/deep pink Color Dust combination and pink Color Dust.