Create a charming gingerbread village of little houses with this mini gingerbread village kit. Four different house designs add more enjoyment to the colorful decorating. It is the perfect scene for play and to display under the Christmas tree or as a centerpiece on Christmas day.
House with Green Fondant Roof Roll out fondant 1/16 in. thick. Cut two roof panels and front eaves. Attach with damp brush. Use white icing to pipe icing snow on roof and spatula swirl drifts. Attach candy to roof peak. Cut rolled fondant into door and window shapes. Attach. Use white icing to outline windows and door. Attach candy around door and for doorknob. Attach candy to front of house. Use red icing to pipe zigzags on corners of house.
Christmas Lights Topped A-Frame House Use red icing to pipe scallops on roof. Use white icing to pipe lines connecting scallops. Use white icing to pipe line on roof peak and attach candy. Use white icing to fill in door use toothpick to mark wood pattern. Attach candy for doorknob. Attach candy in wreath shape above door. Use white icing to cover eaves and attach candy.
White Roof House with Scrolls Ice roof smooth in white icing, then pipe Cornelli lace. Use white icing to pipe zigzags on eaves, attach candy, and cover corners of house with zigzags. Roll a log of fondant the length of roof peak. Use scissors to cut top of log into little branches, and attach to peak. Use white icing to ice windows smooth. Use red icing to outline windows and windowpanes. Attach candy above windows. Roll approx. 30+ cones of fondant, then pipe ring of icing along circle impression of house. Attach fondant to create wreath.
Red and White Roof House Use white and red icings to pipe zigzags on roof. Attach candy to roof peaks. Use white icing to pipe icicles and pipe zigzags on corners of house. Use red icing to outline windows and door. Attach candy for doorknob. Cut candy in half and attach to house front for trees.