
How to Pipe Grass & Fur

How to Pipe Grass & Fur
The grass tip creates the most celebrated, easily accomplished decorations! The serrated edges of the grass tip makes ridges in the icing as you squeeze it out. Our step-by-step video shows you how!
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. Fit the decorating bag with Multi-Opening Decorating Tip 233 and fill 1/2 full with medium consistency icing. Hold the decorating bag 90? straight up; the tip should be 1/8 in. above surface as shown.
  2. Squeeze bag to form grass. Pull up and away when icing strand is long enough (about 1/2 inch) stop pressure and pull tip away. Grass will be neatly formed only if you stop squeezing before you pull tip away.
  3. For a more natural look sometimes pull tip slightly to the right or left, in stead of straight up. Remember to keep clusters close together so cake does not show through.


How To
