Black and White Heart Cookies
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- Bake cookies. Prepare cookie dough following recipe instructions. Roll out to 1/8 in. thickness. Using 3¼ in. cutter, cut out hearts. Bake and cool.
Tint icing. Prepare 2 cups royal icing following recipe instructions. Using black icing color, tint 1 cup black. Reserve 1 cup icing white. Thin down both black and white icing to count of 15 following package instructions.
Prepare two decorating bags with tip 2. Fill separately with black and white icings.
Decorate cookie. Using black FoodWriter marker and ruler, draw lines ¼ in. wide on left side of heart cookie, starting in center and working towards edge.
Using thinned white icing, pipe outline 1/8 in. from edge on right side of heart cookie, starting in center and working around entire right side; flow in. Using thinned black icing, immediately pipe small hearts on right side of cookie.
Using black icing, follow FoodWriter pattern to pipe lines on left side of cookie. Fill in between black lines with white icing.
Let cookies dry 8 to 10 hours.
How To
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