Decorate a bright and colorful gingerbread house that will be the star of your holidays! Candy, icing and fondant add the color, and the star icing decorating adds the dazzle. It is a great holiday activity to share with your family and friends.
Make front door. Use red icing to pipe lines to create an arched top door. Use white icing to pipe bead border around door. Roll a ball of fondant and attach for doorknob. Attach candy to door.
Make all windows. Roll out fondant 1/16 in. thick. Cut one 7/8 in. x 7/8 in. square for front window, two 7/8 in. x 7/8 in. squares for back windows and four 1 in. x 1 in. squares for side windows. Attach windows. Use white icing to outline windows, windowpanes and pipe icicles below. Use red icing to pipe shutters.
Decorate house front.Attach candy and star icing decoration to house front.
Outline house. Use icing to pipe zigzags at corners of house and lines under the eaves. Attach candy to corners of house.
Decorate roof. Use red icing to pipe six evenly spaced vertical lines about ¾ in. apart. Use white icing to pipe hearts, alternating with candy. Roll fondant into 5 in. x ¼ in. log and attach to roof peak with icing. Attach candy. Use white icing to pipe icicles along eaves.
Decorate base. Use spatula and icing to ice base. Attach candy for pathway.