Studio Policies

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Requests for a registration cancellation/refund for a single day program will be accommodated if they are received 7 or more days before a program begins. For multi-day programs, requests for a registration cancellation/refund will be accommodated if they are received 14 or more days before a program begins. Requests must be made in writing via email to: Please include the class name, date, the enrolled student's full name, and the transaction invoice number in your email.

Program Cancellation

In the event that your class is cancelled due to bad weather, low enrollment, or other circumstances, we will notify you as soon as possible by email and issue you a full refund.


Our waitlist registrations are free, and we'll contact you by email if a cancellation arises. If a cancellation is available with short notice, we will notify the whole waitlist at once and spots will be first-come, first-served.

Cellphone Use and Videotaping

We request that students minimize cellphone use and avoid scheduling virtual meetings or other digital activities during class hours. Cameras are welcome in the classroom to capture production details for later reference; however, video recordings are not permitted, except for recording your creation at the end of class. Please ensure mobile phones are silenced during class.

Terms & Conditions

All registrants must agree to our terms and conditions prior to registering for a class.