Tie-Dye Checkerboard Cake
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Batter Tinted:
Use Color Right base colors and QuickCount color formulas to tint batter in the following shades:
- Bright & Bold Purple: 1 3/4 cups batter + 20 P +2 Blue
- Bright & Bold Red: 1 3/4 cups batter + 36 R
- Bright & Bold Blue: 1 3/4 cups batter + 40 BL
- Bright & Bold Green: 1 3/4 cups batter + 2 BL + 16 Y
- Bright & Bold Teal: 1 3/4 cups batter + 8 BL + 2 Y
- Bright & Bold Yellow: 1 3/4 cups batter + 10 Y + 2 O
Prepare cake batter.
Divide the batter evenly (about 1 3/4 cups each). Tint using the Color Right formulas above. Place each colored batter into a 16 in. disposable decorating bag.
Prepare bottom cake layer.
For bottom layer, place clean divider in the first prepared pan. Cut a hole in tip of bags and pipe two colors of batter into the sections on the ringed insert. Use a toothpick to swirl colors. Fill sections 2/3 full. Remove ring from pan by carefully lifting straight up on handles. Rinse and completely dry ring.
Prepare middle layer.
Place clean divider into prepared pan. Keeping the same 2 colors together as for the bottom layer, pipe batter into a different ring than the bottom layer; use toothpick to swirl colors. Fill sections 2/3 full. Remove ring from pan. Rinse and completely dry ring.
Prepare top layer.
Place clean divider into prepared pan. Keeping the same 2 colors together, pipe batter into a different ring than the bottom or middle layer. Fill sections 2/3 full. Use toothpick to swirl colors. Remove ring from pan. DO NOT PUT RING IN OVEN.
Bake and cool checkerboard cake.
Follow package directions.
Decorate cake.
Level each cake layer. Stack and ice cake layers on cake plate. Mix together the sprinkles; press into the side of the cake.