Sweet Chocolate Lamb Cake

Sweet Chocolate Lamb Cake

No Easter dinner is complete without a lamb cake. Made using your favorite chocolate cake recipe and our Lamb Cake Pan, this Sweet Chocolate Lamb Cake is quick and easy to make and decorate. Serve it after Easter brunch or make it for a spring baby shower. A simple project for beginning decorators, this chocolate lamb cake is sure to become a family favorite year after year.
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. Bake cake. Prepare chocolate cake batter following recipe instructions. Using lamb cake pan, bake and cool cake according to package directions.
  2. Ice cake. Using spatula, ice cake, leaving face bare.
  3. Decorate cake. Prepare decorating bag with tip 3 and remaining creamy white icing. Pipe eyes and nose on cake.


How To
