
Star Wars Space Cake

What better way to celebrate "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away," than with a cake epitomizes the beauty of outer space. This fondant-covered cake gets its bold, brilliant color from blue, purple and black Color Mist Food Spray—decorating doesn't get much easier. The icing color and sparkling stars add to the radiance of the look. Top it all off with a Star Wars Birthday Candle.
  • AmountAbout 20 servings


  • White White Icing Color, 2 oz.

  • White Decorator Icing - 4.5 lb.

  • Decorator Preferred White Fondant, 24 oz. Fondant Icing

  • Black Color Mist Food Coloring Spray, 1.5 oz.

  • Blue Color Mist Food Color Spray, 1.5 oz.

  • Violet Color Mist Food Color Spray, 1.5 oz.

  • Tools

  • Performance Pans Aluminum Round Cake Pan, 8-Inch

  • 8-Inch Cake Circles, 12-Count

  • Fondant Roller, 20-Inch - Fondant Tool

  • 20inch Rolling Pin Guide Rings

  • Fondant Trimmer

  • Fondant Smoother

  • Black Angled Icing Spatula, 9-Inch

  • Cake Decorating Tools, 5-Piece Brush Set

  • Star Wars Birthday Candle


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  1. NEEDED: See the Supply List for items you can purchase here. You will also need:
    • Favorite cake recipe or mix (8 cups batter needed)
    • Small dish
    • Food-safe gloves (optional)
  2. Prepare layer cake. Bake and cool two 8 inch cake layers. Level, fill and stack cakes on cake board for a 2-layer cake, 4 inches high. Lightly cover with white icing to prepare to cover with fondant.
  3. Cover cake with fondant. Roll out fondant to 1/8 inch thick. Cover cake with fondant.
  4. Color cake. Place cake on parchment or waxed-paper covered surface. Spray entire cake with blue Color Mist; let dry 3-5 minutes. Repeat until cake is a solid blue color. Spray large areas of the cake in purple Color Mist; let dry 3-5 minutes. Repeat if desired. Spray a few smaller areas with black Color Mist. Let dry 3-5 minutes.
  5. Decorate cake. Pour a small amount of White-White color into a small dish. Dip a wide flat brush into White-White; run finger over brush bristles and allow white-white to splatter onto cake surface, creating stars.
  6. Serve cake. Place Star Wars candle on top.



How To
