
Stand-Up Cuddly Bear Cake

Stand-Up Cuddly Bear Cake
It’s a cake so adorable you’ll want to cuddle! Use our Stand-Up Cuddly Bear Pan to create a delicious 3D teddy bear cake that’s excellent for birthday parties, baby showers and teddy bear picnics. Creatively spread and piped icing will turn this cake into a furry friend.
  • Skill LevelAdvanced
    AmountCake serves 12


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  1. Bake Cake. Prepare cake mix according to pan directions, using one package of cake mix and one package of pound cake mix. Cool following directions.
  2. Tint Icing. Combine Brown and a touch of Black icing colors to get tan color shown.

    Prepare white buttercream icing following recipe instructions.

    Tint 1 cup white icing tan using color combination provided.

    Reserve remaining icing white. Using Black icing color, tint ¼ cup white icing black.

    Reserve remaining icing white.

    Prepare chocolate buttercream icing following recipe instructions.

    Add about 1/2 cup reserved white icing, to lighten slightly.

  3. Trim Cake. Trim nose off muzzle and spatula fill in eye area with brown icing, to even it out.
  4. Decorate cake. Prepare decorating bags with tips and icing as follows:

    Tip 4 and black icing

    Tip 2 and white icing

    Tip 5 and tan icing

    Tip 233 and chocolate icing

    Using tan icing with tip 5, pipe ears and foot pads; smooth using tapered spatula.

    Using black bag with tip 4, pipe a circle for pupil of eye. Fill and smooth with tapered spatula.

    Using white bag with tip 2, pipe white of eyes. Outline eyes with black icing and tip 4, then add highlight with white bag and tip 2.

    Using bag with tan icing and tip 5, outline muzzle, fill in and smooth with tapered spatula. Pipe nose with black bag and tip 4. Pipe nose line and follow muzzle to the right of arm for mouth.

  5. Pipe in fur. Using chocolate bag with tip 233, use pull-out grass technique to cover body with fur. Start in the back and bottom of cake and continue to cover head, ears and legs. Build up arms slightly with icing and continue until covered.


How To
