
Sprinkle on the Fun Birthday Cake

Topped with cute edible balloon animal decorations and decorated with sprinkles (both inside and outside), this Sprinkle on the Fun Birthday Cake is ready to celebrate! Use your favorite white cake recipe, then add some jimmies and nonpareils to give your cake a pop of color. For a final finishing touch, top your cake with some colorful birthday candles to make it party ready!
  • Skill LevelBeginner


  • Classic White Cake

  • Buttercream Frosting

  • Balloon Dog Icing Decorations, 12-Count

  • Assorted Brights and Pastels Sprinkles Mixes 6.06 oz.

  • Tools

  • Non-Stick Cooling Grid - 14.5 x 20-Inch - Cooling Rack

  • Black Angled Icing Spatula, 9-Inch

  • Decorating Bags, 16-Inch Disposable Piping Bags, 12-Count

  • Bold Color Block Birthday Candles, 12-Count

  • Borders Piping Tip Set, 4-Piece

  • Aluminum Round Cake Pan, 6 x 3-Inch

  • Decorator Preferred 13 inch Angled Spatula

  • Mixing Bowls

  • Scoop-it Measuring Spoons


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  1. Make cake. In small bowl, mix multicolor jimmies, nonpareils and jumbo nonpareils together from 6-cell sprinkles mix. Set aside.

    Prepare cake batter following recipe instructions. Stir 3 tablespoons of sprinkles mix into batter, reserving remaining sprinkles for later step.

    Bake and cool two cake layers.

  2. Ice cake. Prepare two batches buttercream icing following recipe instructions.

    Level cake layers to 2½ in. high. Fill and stack layers for 5 in. high cake.

    Ice cake smooth.

  3. Decorate cake. Press reserved sprinkles around sides of cake, heavier at the bottom then lighter towards the top.

    Prepare decorating bag with tip 32 and remaining icing. Pipe swirls around top edge of cake. Insert one icing decoration into each swirl. Insert candles, if desired.


How To
