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More Bling at the Holidays House #3

Silver and gold, shimmering stars and sparkle...this gingerbread house is covered in it! If you believe the more bling to the holidays, the better, this gingerbread house kit is for you.


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  1. Make front door. Use icing to pipe lines for door. Attach candy for doorknob.
  2. Make all windows. Use icing to pipe windows and windowpanes. Decorate house front. Attach candy above door and under eaves.
  3. Outline house. Use icing to pipe zigzags at corners of house and lines under eaves.
  4. Decorate roof. Use icing and spatula to ice roof one side at a time. Place house on sheet pan and press on sparkling sugar. Gently tap to remove excess sugar and repeat to cover other side. Attach candy. Roll fondant into balls. Use icing to pipe line on roof peak. Attach fondant balls to roof peak. Use icing to pipe a line along front eaves. Attach candy.
  5. Decorate base. Use icing and spatula to ice base. Attach candy for pathway.


How To
