Easy Blooms Sweet Roll Cake

Easy Blooms Sweet Roll Cake

Sweet rolls aren't just for Christmas anymore! This lovely and summery Easy Blooms Sweet Roll Cake is a lovely treat for a bridal shower or baby shower, and with the Easy Blooms Tip Set, this cake is incredibly easy to decorate. Mix and match icing colors in your decorating bag for an ombre look and get ready to impress with this elegant and rustic sweet roll treat.


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  1. Bake cake. Prepare cake batter following recipe instructions. Bake according to recipe. Turn cake out on towel dusted with confectioners’ sugar. Cool and roll according to recipe. Once cooled, fill with icing.
  2. Tint icing. Combine Moss Green and Brown icing colors to get green color shown. Combine Burgundy and Violet icing colors to get pale mauve color shown. Tint 1 cup icing each green and pale mauve following color combinations provided. Using icing colors, tint one cup icing each mauve, pink and burgundy. Reserve remaining icing white.
  3. Decorate cake. Prepare four decorating bags separately with large and small Easy Bloom tips. Fill bags mostly with white icing, adding small amounts of mauve, pink and burgundy icing to each bag.

    Prepare additional decorating bag with tip 352. Add small amount pale mauve icing, then fill with green icing.

    Using pull-out star technique, pipe flowers on top of cake, alternating bags for flowers of varying colors and sizes. Fill in with leaves.


How To
