All ruffled and ready to go, this cake is perfect for a princess party or a bridal shower. Just shape the candy clay ruffles with your fingers and attach around the cake to experience that "wow" moment.
Make candy clay 1 day in advance. Prepare candy clay following recipe directions using white Candy Melts candy. Let set overnight.
Make cake. Prepare batter following recipe directions. Bake and cool cake.
Prepare buttercream icing following recipe directions. Use candy colors to tint pink. Stack and fill for a 2-layer cake 4 in. high. Place on foil-wrapped cake circle. Use spatula and rose icing to ice cake smooth.
Make candy clay ruffles. Knead candy clay until pliable. Tint rose. Use 9 in. fondant roller with purple guide rings to roll out candy clay 1/8 in. thick.
Make ruffles for cake sides and top using the following strips. For cake sides, cut six strips, 1 1/4 in. wide x 18 in. long. You will use two strips for each ruffle around the cake. For cake top, cut two strips, 1 1/4 in. wide x 18 in. long, two strips, 1 1/4 in. wide x 14 in. long, two strips 1 1/4 in. wide x 10 in. long and one strip 1 1/4 in. wide x 6 in. long.
Attach ruffles. Use toothpick to mark cake sides 2 1/2 and 3 in. from bottom. Use tip 3 and cut decorating bag to pipe a line of icing around cake at each marking. Attach two 18 in. long strips each at 3 in., 2 1/2 in. marking and for bottom border, ruffling the strip as you attach.
Use toothpick to mark cake top 1 3/4 in., 2 1/2 in. and 3 in. from edge. Position two 18 in. strips at 1 3/4 in. mark, two 14 in. strips at 2 1/2 in. mark, two 10 in. strips at 3 in. mark and the 6 in. strip at center of cake top, ruffling the strips as you attach.