Painted Fondant Egg Cookies

Painted Fondant Egg Cookies

Get your art on by using icing colors as watercolors and coloring Easter egg cookies. It's the latest fun trend to create beautiful treats to tuck in Easter baskets, hid during the egg hunt and serve for dessert Easter day.


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  1. Make cookies. Prepare cookie dough following recipe. Roll out 1/16 in. thick, cut out shapes, bake and cookie cookies.
  2. Decorate fondant. Roll out fondant 1/16 in. thick. Separately mix icing colors with lemon extract to a watercolor consistency. Combine Lemon Yellow and Golden Yellow for yellow shown. Combine Violet with a touch of Pink for violet shown. Paint rounded flower shapes approx. 1 ½ in. diameter randomly; paint different color centers while still wet. Paint 1-2 leaves per flower. Let dry a few minutes. Use black FoodWriter marker to draw rough outlines around each flower and leaves, and add details to some centers.
  3. Decorate cookies. Use egg cutter to randomly cut out fondant eggs. Brush tops of cookies with piping gel or apricot glaze and attach fondant eggs.


How To
