Fondant Flower Cake

Fondant Flower Cake

Flowers make everyone happy! Make your next celebration cake topped with this gathering of beautiful fondant florals.
  • Prep2 hr 20 min
  • Total Time76 hr 20 min
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. 3 days in advance, tint fondant and make flowers and leaves.If using, add 1 teaspoon of gum tex to 8 oz. of fondant. Divide in indicated portions and color.

    Dalia - 1 1/4 in. ball of fondant and color Pink, Burgundy.

    Step Saving Rose - 2 in. ball of fondant and color Burgundy.

    Yellow Fantasy Flower - 1 in. ball of fondant and color Lemon Yellow and Ivory.

    Blue Lavender Flower - 1 in. ball of fondant and color Royal Blue and Violet.

    Pink 6-Petal Fantasy Flower - 1 1/2 in. ball of fondant and color Pink and Burgundy.

    Lavender Mum Fantasy Flower - 1 1/4 in. ball of fondant and color Pink and Violet.

    Leaves - 1 ¾ in. ball of fondant and color Moss Green.

    Note: Roll out fondant 1/16th in. thick for flowers and leaves. Follow individual flower instructions on to make flowers and leaves with the following changes. Make extras to allow for breakage.

  2. Step Saving Rose. Make two. Shape two 3/4 in. balls from the colored fondant into two 1 in. cones. Use the largest 5 petal cutter. Position toothpick or dry spaghetti in rose base according to instructions for step saving rose. Let dry in a craft block.
  3. Dalia. Make one. Cut 16 using smallest round cutters, pinch one end, let dry 15 minutes. Also roll two 3/4 in. stamens, let dry 15 minutes. Dampen the center of the circle and attach the stamens. Dampen the backs of the remaining 5 petals and attach.
  4. Yellow Fantasy Flower. Make two. Use medium cutter to cut two sets of petals. Fold and pinch petals to shape the flower.
  5. Small Blue Lavender Fantasy Flowers. Make five. Cut five of the smallest 5 petal flowers. Use the blue modeling sticks rounded end. Set petals on the thin foam, cup petals with the stick. Repeat with another set of five. But also place the five petals on the thick foam and press the stick in the center to cup the whole flower. Dampen the center of the first set with water and position cupped flowers in the center.
  6. Pink 6 Petal Fantasy Flower. Make two. Use medium round cutter to cut seven sets of the petals. Place one circle in the bottom of the larger flower drying cup, dampen with water, position the six remaining circles dampen the backs where needed. Use smallest cutter to cut moss green circle. Dampen the back and attach to the center. Use the veining tool and texture the center. Repeat for the second flower.
  7. Lavender Mum Fantasy Flower. Make one. Use the smaller daisy cutter, cut two sets, dampen the middle and pinch. trim 1/4 in. off the bottom. Dampen the center of the second set and position the pinched first set of petals and pinch to secure.
  8. Leaves. Make seven rose leaves. Use rose leaf cutter to cut out seven rose leaves, place on the thin foam and use veining tool to imprint. Let dry on the wave flower former. Make five daisy leaves. Use the daisy leaf cutter and make five daisy leaves, imprinting as above.
  9. Bake and cool cake, then ice. Cake is one layer, 3 in. tall. Use Decorator Icing, spatula, and turntable to ice cake smooth on the sides and swirled on the top.
  10. Decorate. Make two sets of ball ropes and position on top the cake 1/2 in. from the edge. Position the flowers and leaves, attaching with icing.


How To
