3 Ways to Use Tip 352

3 Ways to Use Tip 352

Often used to pipe leaves, decorating tip 352 is a staple in any good tip collection. But did you know you could also use tip 532 to pipe swags, ruffles and shells? With a unique shape and design, this decorating tip helps give your cakes style and texture.
  • Skill LevelBeginner


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  1. Bake cakes. Prepare cake batter following recipe instructions. Bake and cool two cake layers (per cake). Level layers to 2½ in. high. Fill and stack layers for 5 in. high cake.
  2. Tint icing.

    4-Color Striped Cake: Tint 1/3 cup icing light blue, coral and dark blue using color combinations provided. Combine Teal and Royal Blue icing colors to get light blue color shown. Combine Creamy Peach and Pink icing colors to get coral color shown. Combine Royal Blue and Violet icing colors to get dark blue color shown. Using Moss Green icing color, tint 1/3 cup icing green.

    Vine Cake: Using Moss Green icing color, tint ½ cup icing green.

    Coral Cake: Tint 1½ cups icing coral using color combinations provided. Combine Creamy Peach and Pink icing colors to get coral color shown.

  3. Decorate cakes.

    4-Color Striped Cake: Using white icing, ice cake smooth. Prepare four decorating bags with tip 352. Fill bags separately with light blue, coral, dark blue and green icing. Using toothpick and ruler, mark four horizontal lines around cake, about 1 in. apart. Holding bag horizontally with two points of tip vertical to cake, pipe ruffle, following markings. For best results, start at bottom with dark blue, then continue upwards with coral, light blue and green.

    Vine Cake: Using white icing, ice cake smooth. Prepare decorating bag with tip 352 and green icing. Holding bag with two points of tip vertical to cake, pipe swag around top edge of cake. Using leaf technique, pipe leaves on swags.

    Coral Cake: Using coral icing, ice cake smooth. Prepare decorating bag with tip 352 and remaining coral icing. Working from bottom to top with tip horizontal to cake, pipe vertical rows of shells around sides of cake.


How To
